This program will draw a lot of pretty pictures. It draws the Mandlebrot and Julia Sets in different coloring schemes. Don't worry this exe is bug / virus free guarenteed. To use, just run the exe. You will see a dos window first asking for a complex number. You input the real part and imaginary part separately. If you know a specific Julia Set you would like to see, enter that complex number. Otherwise, enter Real=0 and Complex=0. This will draw the Mandlebrot Set. Move around with the cursor keys and zoom in and out with + and -. Originally the zoom factor is 2x. If you hit a number 1,2,4,8 you will change the zoom factor to that number. Subsequent zooms use the new factor. If you want to add color (which you should definately do!), hit the 'c' key. Hitting 'c' again returns to black and white. As you move around, you are actually in the complex plane and at a specific complex number. To see that number, hit 'p'. To view that Julia Set, hit 'm'. 'm' toggles between Julia Sets and the Mandlebrot Set, so to get back to the Mandlebrot set, hit 'm' again. Another feature which changes how the pictures look is to hit a number and then the '/' or '*'. This varies how many black and or color is in the picture. '/' is more black, '*' is less black. The color refers to how many iterations go by before a complex number is decided to be not in the set. The set is actually only the black areas. Finally, hitting a number and then the '<' or '>' varies the color spectrum used for drawing. Try playing around with that. '<' is less color, '>' is more color. It cycles through the rainbow faster and slower. All the color changing features work in black and white mode, so try them out there. If you like any of the pictures, use a screen capture program to save them as image files. Enjoy. If you have any questions, email me at