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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef IOTRVECTOR
00002 #define IOTRVECTOR
00009 #include "IotrRefCount.hh"
00010 #include "IotrHandle.hh"
00011 #include <iostream>
00012 #include "IotrHandle.hh"
00020 class ElementGather;
00021 class SimpleVector;
00047 class IotrVectorCategorize : public IotrRefCount {
00048 public:
00049   enum { category1 = 0x1, category2 = 0x2, category3 = 0x4,
00050          category4 = 0x8, category5 = 0x10, category6 = 0x20,
00051          category7 = 0x40, category8 = 0x80 } ;
00052   virtual void operator()( unsigned char cat[], int len, int ncat,
00053                            const double self[], 
00054                            const double *rhs[], int nrhs ) const = 0;
00055 };
00056 typedef Handle<IotrVectorCategorize> IotrVectorCategorizeHandle;
00064 template<typename T>
00065 class IotrVectorReduce : public IotrRefCount {
00066 public:
00067   virtual T operator()( const double self[], int len,
00068                              const double *v[], int nv ) const = 0;
00069 };
00074 class IotrVector : public IotrRefCount {
00075 protected:
00076   int mLength;
00079   IotrVector( int length ) : mLength(length) {}
00080 public:
00083   virtual void copyFrom( const SimpleVector& v ) = 0;
00084   virtual void copyFrom( const IotrVector& v ) = 0;
00088   virtual void copyInto( SimpleVector& v ) const = 0;
00091   virtual IotrVector * copy() const = 0;
00093   virtual IotrVector * newSibling() const = 0;
00096   int length() const { return mLength; };
00105   virtual void writefToStream( std::ostream& out,
00106                                const char format[] ) const = 0;
00108   virtual void setToConstant( double c ) = 0;
00110   virtual void setToZero() = 0;
00112   virtual void addConstant( double c ) = 0;
00114   virtual void scale ( double alpha ) = 0;
00116   virtual void axpy ( double alpha, const IotrVector & x ) = 0;
00119   virtual void diagonalMult( double alpha, const IotrVector & x,
00120                              double beta, IotrVector & y ) const = 0;
00123   virtual void diagonalDiv( double alpha, const IotrVector & x,
00124                              double beta, IotrVector & y ) const = 0;
00127   virtual void 
00128   diagonalDiv( double alpha, double beta, IotrVector & y ) const = 0;
00132   virtual double twonorm() const = 0;
00137   virtual double infnorm( double addnlElt = 0.0 ) const = 0;
00143   virtual double stepbound( const IotrVector& s, double bound ) const = 0;
00151   virtual double stepbound( const IotrVector& s,
00152                             const IotrVector& xlow, ElementGather& ixlow,
00153                             const IotrVector& xupp, ElementGather& ixupp,
00154                             double bound ) const = 0;
00172   virtual void makeInterior( const IotrVector &xlow, ElementGather & ixlow,
00173                              const IotrVector &xupp, ElementGather & ixupp,
00174                              double rtol, double atol ) = 0;
00177   virtual void negate() = 0;
00180   virtual IotrVector& operator*=( const IotrVector& v ) = 0;
00181   virtual IotrVector& operator/=( const IotrVector& v ) = 0;
00182   IotrVector& operator-=(  const IotrVector& v )
00183   {
00184     this->axpy( -1.0, v );
00185     return *this;
00186   }
00187   IotrVector& operator+=(  const IotrVector& v )
00188   {
00189     this->axpy( 1.0, v );
00190     return *this;
00191   }
00193   virtual double dot( const IotrVector &x ) const = 0;
00195   virtual double scaledDot( const IotrVector & D,
00196                             const IotrVector & x ) const = 0;
00198   virtual void invertNonzero() = 0;
00205   virtual void inspect( const char * name = 0,
00206                         const char * filename = 0 ) const = 0;
00214   virtual void inspectAsMatlab( const char * name = 0,
00215                                 const char * filename = 0) const = 0;
00219   virtual double min() const = 0;
00222   virtual double min(const double addnElt ) const = 0;
00224   virtual int allPositive() const = 0;
00226   virtual void squareRoot() = 0;
00238   virtual void
00239   categorize( ElementGather * cat[], int ncat, IotrVector * rhs[], int nrhs,
00240               const IotrVectorCategorize & func ) const = 0;
00241   virtual double sumReduce( const IotrVector * v[], int nv,
00242                             const IotrVectorReduce<double> & func ) const = 0;
00243 };
00245 typedef Handle<IotrVector> IotrVectorHandle;
00251 #endif

Generated on Wed Aug 27 10:03:41 2003 for iotr by doxygen1.2.18